
The mission of the City of La Center Engineering Services is to provide information, recommendations, and services to construct, preserve and improve the City’s infrastructure.
This includes the City transportation, wastewater, parks, and stormwater systems. We regularly monitor and analyze the condition of the City’s infrastructure and develop capital facility plans for areas in need of repair and/or upgrades.
We set and enforce the standards of design and construction that govern the way our street and utility systems are built and maintained. We strive to provide:
- Safe and efficient street systems
- Accessible sidewalks and trails
- Dependable stormwater treatment and detention facilities
- Reliable Wastewater Treatment and Collection Systems
- Long Term Capital Facility Planning
- Professional plan reviews and inspections of private developments
- Traffic engineering and transportation planning
- Superior Park Improvements
- Design, construction, and project administration of City of La Center Capital Projects
The City is committed to providing the public with quality infrastructure through cost-effective and professional engineering services. Our objective is always to serve the interests of the City at large, but the improvements we build can have a temporary adverse effect on people while the construction is in progress. In these cases, we always strive to minimize and mitigate our construction impacts.
Current Projects
- Shared Use Path Design on Pacific Highway
- Community Center Kitchen Remodel and Parking Lot Repairs
- Breeze Creek Culvert and 4th Street Widening Design Project
Upcoming Projects
- City Wide Safety Plan – Horizontal Curve Sign and Roadway Departure Project
Previous Projects
- 2020 – Stonecreek Drive Reconstruction
- 2022 – La Center Road Paving Project
- 2022 – Guardrail Project
Engineering Standards
Engineering Details
- Sanitary Notes SS-1
- Lateral Connect SS-2
- Typical Utility Location SS-3
- Typical Trench Backfill SS-4
- Pipe Bedding SS-5
- Water Sanitary Crossing SS-6
- Standard Manhole SS-7
- Top Slab Manhole SS-8
- Manhole Connection Detail SS-9
- Manhole Frames & Covers SS-10
- Manhole Step SS-11
- Inside Drop Manhole Connection SS-12
- Cleanout SS-14
- Anchor Walls SS-15
- Pressure Main Connection SS-16
- Air Vacuum Valve SS-17
- Pressure Gate Valve SS-18
- Pressure Cleanout SS-19
- Locator Wire ss-20
- Grease Interceptor SS-21
- Oil/Water Separator SS-22
- General Stormwater Notes SM-1
- Storm Manhole SM-2
- Manhole Frames & Covers SM-3
- Standard Frame & Cover SM-3
- Curb Inlet SM-4
- Catch Basin SM-5
- Combo Curb Inlet SM-6
- Herringbone Grate SM-7
- G2 Catch Basin SM-8
- Sloped Field Inlet SM-9
- Area Inlet SM-10
- Sed Manhole SM-11
- Drywell SM-12
- Energy Dissipater SM-13
- Residential Downspout Energy Dissipater SM-14A
- Downspout Infiltration Trench SM-14B
- Downspout Drywell SM-15
- Low Point Footing Drain SM-16
- Downspout to Street SM-17
- Downspout Detention Pipe SM-19
- Downspout Detention Pond SM-20
- Utility & Road Testing Requirements C-1
- Barricade ST-2
- Sidewalk Barricade ST-2A
- Driveway (Residential & Commercial) w/o Planter Strip ST-3
- Driveway (Residential & Commercial) Curb Only Section ST-3A
- Driveway (Residential & Commercial) w/ Planter Strip St-3B
- Modified Driveway ST-3C
- City of La Center Sign Installation Details ST-4
- Curb Gutter ST-5
- Extruded Curb ST-6
- Type 1 Ramp ST-7
- Truncated Dome ST-7A
- Type 2 Ramp – Mid Block ST-8
- Type 2 Corner Radius Ramp ST-8A
- Type 2B Ramp ST-9
- Type 3 Curb Ramp ST-9A
- Utility Placement ST-10
- Major Arterial ST-11
- Minor Arterial ST-12
- Minor Arterial ST-12A
- Rural Major Collector ST-13A
- Rural Minor Collector ST-13B
- Neighbor Access ST-14
- Local Access w/ Planter ST-15A
- Local Access – ST-15
- Bus Stop ST-16
- Major Arterial Open Trench Cut ST-17
- Pothole Repair ST-17A
- Trench Residential ST-18
- Unpaved Trench ST-19
- Pavement Surface Reconstruction ST-20
- Butt Joint Planing & Overlay ST-21
- Intersection Overlay ST-22
- Sidewalk ST-23
- Concrete Joints ST-24
- Old Town Street ST-25
- Sidewalk Curb Drain ST-26
- Sidewalk Curb Drain Retrofit ST-26A
- Temporary Cul-de-Sac ST-27
- Temporary Hammerhead ST-28
- Cul-de-Sac ST-29
- Offset Cul-de-Sac ST-30
- Root Barrier ST-31
- Parking Stall Standards ST-32
- Street Sign Detail
- Speed Hump TC-1
- Raised Sidewalk TC-2
- Curb Extensions TC-3
- Choker Curb Extensions TC-4
Contact Our Team
Assistant Public Works Director, City Engineer, P.E., Tony Cooper
City Council
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.5123 | Fax 360.263.5700
City Hall | Administrative Services
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2782 | Fax 360.263.5700
Police Department
105 West 5th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2745 | Fax 360.263.2757
Public Works Department
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.7665 | Fax 360.263.7666
Public Works After Hours/Emergency Calls | 360.524.3450