Building Services
Building permits are required for new construction and most alterations to existing buildings in the City of La Center.
Our Building Department team is here to provide quality services to the community in a manner that is comprehensive, efficient, knowledgeable and helpful. The Building Department is responsible for enforcing the City’s building and specialty codes, as well as permitting and inspections. From examining plans to maintaining construction records, this department ensures the safety and wellbeing of the citizens of La Center.
If you’re unsure about permitting, call before you start construction.
Permit Applications & Requirements
Applications Required – One Hard Copy Required
Submittal Requirements – Two Hard Copies Required
- Engineer’s Calculations
- Engineering calculation shall be stamped by an engineer or architect licensed in State of Washington, Engineering shall be site specific.
- WA State Prescriptive Documents
- WA State Energy Code Compliance Form
Energy efficiency – Many forms, publications, and tools are available through the WSU Energy Program, including these:
– Air Leakage Testing
– Duct and Blower Door Test
– Duct Leakage Affidavit for Existing Construction
– Duct Leakage Affidavit for New Construction
– Duct Sealing Benefits
– Duct Testing Standards
– Getting to know your ventilation system
- Window Glazing Forms
- Heating System Forms
- Floor & Roof Truss Documents
- Complete Set of Plans
- Architectural (and structural, if applicable): Floorplans to be accepted must be drawn 1/4″ = 1′, showing conformance to local and state building laws. Structural details and connections must be submitted with plans or a separated full-size sheet attached to the plans with cross references between plan location an details if home was constructed by an engineer. The detail sheets from the Engineer of Record shall be attached as recorded.
- Foundation Plans
- Floor Plans
- Floor/Roof Framing
- Basement and Retaining Walls
- Manufactured Floor/Roof Truss Design Details
- Beam and Joist Sizes
- Elevation Views
- Wall Bracing
- Architectural (and structural, if applicable): Floorplans to be accepted must be drawn 1/4″ = 1′, showing conformance to local and state building laws. Structural details and connections must be submitted with plans or a separated full-size sheet attached to the plans with cross references between plan location an details if home was constructed by an engineer. The detail sheets from the Engineer of Record shall be attached as recorded.
- Site Plan
- Provide a plot plan that addresses the requirements below:
- Use only standard scales found on an Engineer’s scale (1″=10′, 1″=20′, etc.)
- No plot plans smaller than 8.5″ x 11″ or larger than 11″ x 17″
- Identify Property Features:
- North arrow
- Lot and subdivision name and/or tax lot parcel number
- Property lines and demensions
- Easement (size, type, dimensions)
- Driveway and access point (shown with width, length and distance from the property line)
- Right of ways (street names, width, and centerline dimensions)
- Bridges (if applicable)
- Physical attributes and buffers (wetlands, water, slopes, etc.)
- Identify Proposed Structures and Features:
- Dimension, footprint, and roofline and proposed structure
- Elevations at four corners of structure in addition to property corners
- Setback from closest point of structure property lines, edge of easement, right of ways, water marks/ways, features, and buffers
- Building envelopes, if shown on recorded plat (for geohazard setbacks, habitat buffers etc.)
- Identify Existing Structures and Features:
- Show and label all existing structures including dimensions
- Are trees being removed? Yes/No? How many?
- Zoning & Setback Table
- Provide a plot plan that addresses the requirements below:
- Erosion Control plan – Separate reduced site plan
- No plot plans smaller than 8.5″ x 11″ or larger than 11″ x 17″
- Stormwater plan – Separate reduced site plan
- No plot plans smaller than 8.5″ x 11″ or larger than 11″ x 17″
Applications Required – One Hard Copy Required
Submittal Requirements – Two Hard Copies Required
- Complete Set of Plans
- Architectural (and structural, if applicable): Floorplans to be accepted must be drawn 1/4″ = 1′, showing conformance to local and state building laws. Structural details and connections must be submitted with plans or a separated full-size sheet attached to the plans with cross references between plan location an details if home was constructed by an engineer. The detail sheets from the Engineer of Record shall be attached as recorded.
- Separate Mechanical and Plumbing
- For mechanical and plumbing work on a residential remodel, separate permits will be required.
- Site Plan
- Provide a plot plan that addresses the requirements below:
- Use only standard scales found on an Engineer’s scale (1″=10′, 1″=20′, etc.)
- No plot plans smaller than 8.5″ x 11″ or larger than 11″ x 17″
- Identify Property Features:
- North arrow
- Lot and subdivision name and/or tax lot parcel number
- Property lines and demensions
- Easement (size, type, dimensions)
- Driveway and access point (shown with width, length and distance from the property line)
- Right of ways (street names, width, and centerline dimensions)
- Bridges (if applicable)
- Physical attributes and buffers (wetlands, water, slopes, etc.)
- Identify Proposed Structures and Features:
- Erosion control plan
- Stormwater plan
- Dimension, footprint, and roofline and proposed structure
- Elevations at four corners of structure in addition to property corners
- Setback from closest point of structure property lines, edge of easement, right of ways, water marks/ways, features, and buffers
- Building envelopes, if shown on recorded plat (for geohazard setbacks, habitat buffers etc.)
- Identify Existing Structures and Features:
- Show and label all existing structures including dimensions
- Are trees being removed? Yes/No? How many?
- Zoning & Setback Table
- Provide a plot plan that addresses the requirements below:
Applications Required – One Hard Copy Required
Submittal Requirements – Two Hard Copies Required
- Complete Set of Plans
- Architectural (and structural, if applicable): Floorplans to be accepted must be drawn 1/4″ = 1′, showing conformance to local and state building laws. Structural details and connections must be submitted with plans or a separated full-size sheet attached to the plans with cross references between plan location an details if home was constructed by an engineer. The detail sheets from the Engineer of Record shall be attached as recorded.
- Separate Mechanical and Plumbing
- For mechanical and plumbing work on a residential remodel, separate permits will be required.
- Site Plan
- Provide a plot plan that addresses the requirements below:
- Use only standard scales found on an Engineer’s scale (1″=10′, 1″=20′, etc.)
- No plot plans smaller than 8.5″ x 11″ or larger than 11″ x 17″
- Identify Property Features:
- North arrow
- Lot and subdivision name and/or tax lot parcel number
- Property lines and dimensions
- Easement (size, type, dimensions)
- Driveway and access point (shown with width, length and distance from the property line)
- Right of ways (street names, width, and centerline dimensions)
- Bridges (if applicable)
- Physical attributes and buffers (wetlands, water, slopes, etc.)
- Identify Proposed Structures and Features:
- Erosion control plan
- Stormwater plan
- Dimension, footprint, and roofline and proposed structure
- Elevations at four corners of structure in addition to property corners
- Setback from closest point of structure property lines, edge of easement, right of ways, water marks/ways, features, and buffers
- Building envelopes, if shown on recorded plat (for geohazard setbacks, habitat buffers etc.)
- Identify Existing Structures and Features:
- Show and label all existing structures including dimensions
- Are trees being removed? Yes/No? How many?
- Zoning & Setback Table
- Provide a plot plan that addresses the requirements below:
Applications Required – One Hard Copy Required
Submittal Requirements – Three Hard Copies & One Digital Copy Required
- All submitted construction documents must be of sufficient detail to show the entire project with emphasis on the following:
- Structural integrity
- Life safety
- Architectural barriers (ADA handicap compliance)
- Geotechnical Report
- Compliance with all codes having jurisdiction
- Scope of work
- Energy Code Compliance Forms
- Deferred Submittal Schedule
- Coversheet for construction documents shall include:
- Project identification
- Project address, legal description, location map, and real estate ID number (tax parcel number)
- All design professionals identified, including addresses and telephone numbers
- Identification of the person who is responsible for project coordination. (All communications should be directed through this individual.)
- Design criteria
- Occupancy group
- Type construction
- Seismic zone
- Square footage and/or allowable area
- Fire sprinkler requirements
- Height and number of stories
- Occupant load
- Land use zone
- Parking requirements required/provided
- Allowed soil-bearing pressure
- Design loads (roof, floor, wind, codes, seismic zones and factors)
- Material strengths
- Soils report
- Landscaping requirements
- Structural Calculations
- WA State Energy Code Compliance Form
- Narrative: A written narrative that describes the proposed project
- Traffic Memo: Traffic Memo/Analysis report showing the proposed trips created by the project
- Separate Mechanical and Plumbing permits are requirement
- Site Plan
- Location of the new structure and any existing buildings or structures
- All property lines with dimensions
- All streets, easements and setbacks
- All water, sewer, hydrants, and electrical points of connection
- Proposed service routes
- Existing utilities
- Required parking, drainage, and grading design
- North arrow and drawing scale
- Existing and proposed grades
- Plans
- Foundation Plan
- All foundations and footings, including sizes, locations, reinforcing, and imbedded anchorage such as anchor bolts, hold-downs, and post bases.
- Floor Plan
- All floors including basements
- All rooms and their use
- Overall dimensions and locations of all structural elements and openings
- All doors and windows
- Door, window, and hardware schedules
- All fire assemblies, area and occupancy separations and draft stops
- Smoke and heat detectors
- Framing Plans – Roof Framing Plans
- All structural members, their size, methods of attachment, location and materials, roof drainage and location of roof-mounted equipment
- Exterior Elevations
- All views
- All openings
- All lateral bracing systems where applicable
- Building Sections and Wall Sections
- All materials of construction
- All non-rated and fire-rated assemblies and fire-rate penetrations
- All vertical dimensions
- Interior Elevations
- All ADA required equipment installations with vertical height clearances shown
- Re-lights, sill heights, elevator operation panels, etc., which are subject to code requirements
- Mechanical System
- Entire mechanical system
- All units, their sizes, mounting details, all duct work and duct sizes
- All fire dampers where required
- Equipment schedules
- Energy conservation calculations per state of Washington
- Indoor air quality standards including radon mitigation systems
- Fire protection systems
- Plumbing System
- All fixtures, piping, slopes, materials and sizes
- Connection points to utilities, septic tanks, pretreatment sewer systems and water wells
- Structural Calculations
- Where required, provide for project’s entire structural system
- Specifications
- Provide either on the drawings or in booklet form
- Further define construction components, covering:
- Construction components, including materials and methods of construction
- Wall finishes
- Pertinent equipment
- Schedules (may be incorporated in project manual in lieu of drawings)
- Planting requirements
- Foundation Plan
Applications Required – One Hard Copy Required
Submittal Requirements – Two Hard Copies
- Plans
- Plans should include foundation and footings details.
- Site Plan
- Include the north arrow, location of the new structure and any existing buildings or structures, all property lines, streets, easements and setbacks, existing utilities, drainage and grading design.
- Specifications
- Provide manufacturer’s specification if it is a pre-fabricated wall.
- Engineering Calculations
- Engineering calculations shall be stamped by an engineer or architect licensed in the State of Washington. Engineering shall be site specific. Note: Stamped engineering or architectural documents must have a “wet” (original) signature.
Information Center
- Current Building Code
- 2018 International Building Code with Washington Amendments
- 2018 International Residential Code with Washington Amendments
- 2018 International Mechanical with Washington Amendments
- 2018 International Fuel Gas Code with Washington Amendments
- 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code with Washington Amendments
- 2018 Washington State Energy Code
- Maximum height for a fence is 6′ in the side and rear yard and 4′ in the front yard. Read more here.
- A building permit is required for all residential accessory structures 120 square feet and larger. More information here.
Building Inspections
Inspection Number: 360-263-6702
Inspections must be requested by voicemail to the Building Inspection Phone Line; 360-263-6702 When requesting an inspection, please provide the following information.
- Permit Number
- Site Address
- Type of Inspection
- If it is a time sensitive inspection (i.e. concrete), please indicate what time the work is scheduled If you have additional questions about how to schedule inspections, please feel free to contact the Building Department at 360-263-7665.
Impact Fees (per ERU)
as of October 18, 2023
Park Impact Fee $4,115.00
Single Family Residence
Park Impact Fee $2,842.00/unit
Multi-Family Residence
Park Impact Fee $710.50
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Traffic Impact Fee $7,561.00
Single & Multi-Family Residence
Traffic Impact Fee $2,495.13
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Traffic Impact Fee $7,561.00 x pm peak no. (Click to View Chart)
Sewer Development Charge (North of Bridge) $7,800.00
Single-Family Residence
Sewer Development Charge (South of Bridge) $5,841.00
Single-Family Residence
Sewer Development Charge (North of the Bridge) $3,900.00
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Sewer Development Charge (South of the Bridge) $2,920.50
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Sewer Development Charge (North of the Bridge) $7,800.00
Sewer Development Charge (South of the Bridge) $5,841.00
Latecomers Sewer Development Charge (Basin A) $6,173.96
Basin Map (A)
Latecomers Sewer Development Charge (Basin B) $4,616.00
Basin Map (B)
Latecomers Sewer Development Charge (Basin C & D) $972.21
Basin Map (C & D)
School Impact Fee $3,501.57
Single-Family *as set by the La Center School District
School Impact Fee $3,104.28
Multi-Family *as set by the La Center School District
Meet our Team
Public Works & Community Development Director, BSCE, MBA, Tracy Coleman
Building Official, John Wilson
Office phone: 360-263-2701 | Cell phone: 360-836-9651
Associate Planner, Angie Merrill
Administrative Specialist, Maria Rennaker
City Council
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.5123 | Fax 360.263.5700
City Hall | Administrative Services
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2782 | Fax 360.263.5700
Police Department
105 West 5th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2745 | Fax 360.263.2757
Public Works Department
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.7665 | Fax 360.263.7666
After Hours | 360.524.3450