Pet & Animal Regulations

Dog Licenses

All dogs must obtain an annual dog license.

  • The fee for a dog that has been spayed/neutered is $16.00.
  • The fee for a dog that has not been spayed/neutered is $40.00.
  • The fee for senior citizens is $8.

A veterinarian’s proof of rabies vaccination must accompany your application.

To apply for a dog license please contact City Hall at (360) 263-2782
or mail a check with proof of rabies vaccination and/or spaying/neutering to 210 East 4th St La Center, WA 98629.

In the event that the City’s animal control authority may find and declare an animal potentially dangerous or dangerous additional licensing fees will apply

  • The fee for a Potentially Dangerous Dog is $250.
  • The renewal fee for a Potentially Dangerous Dog is $50.
  • The fee for a Dangerous Dog is $500.
  • The renewal fee for a Dangerous Dog is $100.

Potentially Dangerous and Dangerous Dog Municipal Code

Lost Pets & Stray Animals

If you find a lost pet utilize the Humane Society of Southwest Washington

If you find a stray animal or have an animal concern utilize local animal control agencies:

Leash Law

Dogs are required by law to remain on leash in the City of La Center, unless otherwise stated in the below code.

La Center Municipal Code 6.10.090 (7) Any animal, whether licensed or not, which runs at large, unleashed or without restraint, except that this section shall not apply in off-leash dog parks or where the dogs are engaged in lawful obedience training, lawful hunting activity, lawful competition sanctioned by a nationally recognized body or a local chapter thereof, or lawful training in preparation for such hunting or competition, are working dogs engaged in the herding of livestock, or are working dogs engaged in sanctioned search and rescue activities, or are in city-designated off-leash areas.


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Title VI: Notice of Non-Discrimination


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Clark Cowlitz Fire & Rescue
Emergency and Fire Protection (dial 911 for emergencies)

La Center School District
La Center School District #101 serves Kindergarten through grade 12.

Property Tax
Clark County can assist you with property tax information.

United States Postal Office
Located at 421 NE John Storm Ave

La Center Lions Club

Fair Housing Information

Senior Living Housing Guide, Washington State

Assisted Living Resources