City Project Bids

City Project Bids & RFQs
The Public Works Department will be working on several projects that will require bids. Listed below are all recent past and present City Project Bids & RFQs. Please view our Public Works General Terms and Conditions prior to any submittal.
Not accepting bids at this time.
2025 Guardrail Repair Project Bid
- 2025 Request for Bids for Guardrail Repairs
- 2025 La Center Guardrail Plans
- 2025 Guardrail Repair Addendum
- 2025 Guardrail Repair Addendum #2
- 2025 Guardrail Repair Bid Summary
- Community Center Remodel Walk Through Sign in Sheet
- Community Center Remodel Walk Through Sign in Sheet #2
- Community Center Remodel Project Addendum #1
- Community Center Remodel Project Addendum #2
- Exhibit A Community Center Questions and Answers
- City of La Center Community Center La Center, WA ETF-1490-FM-FA HS-1014-96-HC-FA
- Home Depot Quote #H4718-436490
- Community Center Remodel Project Addendum #3
- La Center Wall Letter
- La Center Wall Calculations 2024 11 14
- 2024 Community Center Remodel Project Addendum #4
- Willoughby Budget Quote for the City of La Center
- 41826_SUB_ResubmittalPacket
- 2024 Community Center Remodel Project Addendum #5
- Community Center Remodel Bid Results
- City of La Center Roof Replacement Additional Document
- Addendum RFP for City Hall Roof Replacement
- City Hall Roofing Bid Results
- 6th Street & Birch Avenue Sidewalk and Apron Bid Results
- 6th Street & Birch Avenue Sidewalk and Apron Re-Bid Results
4th Street and Highland Road Traffic Signal
- HLP-SR23(020)-Highland Signal-BidPkg-Signed
- HLP-SR23(020)-Highland Signal-Plans-Signed
- 4th Street and Highland Road Traffic Signal Addendum #1
- 2024 4th Street and Highland Traffic Signal Bid Results
Parking Lot Fence and Gate for City of La Center Police Station
Painting of La Center Police Station
The Scope of this project:
Consist of repairing a hole in an existing stormwater manhole and pipe. Replacement of existing storm pipe that is damaged. This will require excavation of the pavement and base to access the hole in the manhole, and then applying a Cementous filler or pressure grouting may be necessary to seal the hole before backfilling with aggregate base and paving.
The issuing office for Contract Documents is City of La Center Community Development, 210 East 4thStreet, La Center, WA 98629, (360) 263-7665. Plans will be available starting March 27th 2024.
Electronic copies are available through the City of La Center Plan Site on the on the City Website for download. Any addendums to the project bid will also be published on the city website. The contractor will need to check the website for any posting of addendums or bidding information.
The Engineer’s Estimate $27,000
Sealed proposals for furnishing all materials, labor and equipment for the following described work will be received by the City of La Center Community Development Office by April 10th, 2024 at 3 PM. Bids will only be allowed to be submitted at City Hall at 210 E. 4th Street in La Center. The bids will only be accepted 8AM and 3PM up to the day the bids. For any questions about submittal of the bids call Tony Cooper at 360 263-2889 or by email at The proposal shall be enclosed in envelope addressed to the City of La Center at 210 East 4th Street, City Hall, La Center, WA. 98629. Electronic Bids will not be accepted. There will not be a public bid opening. The City Hall at 210 East 4th Street in La Center);
A contract will be awarded or all bids rejected within 45 days after the bid opening.
State of Washington Prevailing Wage is applicable to this work.
SMALL WORKS ROSTER: Bidders must be on the MRSC Small Works Roster. The contractor will need to obtain a City of La Center business license prior to bid award
Highland Road/339th Street Chip Seal Project
Culvert Emergency Repair Project
Project Bid Results
- Addendum # 2
- Video: 5th Street Culvert South
- Video: Parking Lot Manhole North
- Emergency Culvert Repair Bidder Walkthrough Sign-In Sheet
- 5th Street Schematic Storm Basin Map
- Addendum # 1
- La Center Culvert Emergency Repair Project
This is for an emergency repair of existing damaged 24-inch diameter CMP culvert. The existing culvert is fill of rocks. The damage has resulted in collapse of fill and subgrade of 5th Street. The exact length of damage of culvert is not known, but the repair for this project will consist of replacement of the existing 24- inch diameter CMP culvert with an HDPE culvert from the outlet up to a portion of 5th Street to stabilize the road. Sawcut of existing pavement and excavation of the culvert will be necessary, coupling the existing culvert and replacing the damage culvert. Replacement of base will be necessary, and will included pavement replacement, curb and gutter, sidewalk replacement. The existing catch basin and drainage pipe that collects stormwater, will need to be replaced with a new catch basin and storm pipe.
Community Center Project
Project Bid Results
- Addendum # 2
- Addendum # 1
- Community Center Bid Contract
- Community Center Parking Lot Bid Plans
- Community Center Kitchen Remodel Plans
The first part of the project consists of a kitchen remodel.
In the kitchen, a new commercial hood for a gas grill and range will be added, with a fire suppression system, and replacing the existing appliances with commercial appliances.
The second part of the project consists of reconstruction of portions of the parking lot drive aisle that has failing subgrade and pavement. Paving of the entire drive aisle shall be completed following reconstruction of the failing areas.
The City of La Center is seeking proposals from professional Engineering firms for design, bid assistance and construction administration of a roundabout at the intersection of La Center Road and Paradise Park Road. The improvements will consist of a new two-lane roundabout to accommodate vehicles including WB-67 trucks to WSDOT standards. The selected firm will prepare drawings and specifications and construction estimate for a project.
The design phase of the project will be completed using local funds as part of an agreement with the Cowlitz Indian Tribe. The funding source for construction is not identified as this time. The construction cost estimate, prepared by the selected consultant, will be used to pursue funding with grants or other funding. For design the city will need to meet WSDOT Local Programs requirements for design and approval. Contract Plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) shall be prepared in accordance with the current State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction and adopted design standards per the Local Agency Guidelines (LAG). If federal funding is used for construction, WSDOT Local Program Engineer will review the PS&E to ensure compliance with the LAG Manual.
The qualifications of staff, prior work experience with similar projects, technical project approach, and experience with state or federal aid projects will be used to evaluate the proposal. The following is a preliminary scope of services to complete the necessary work:
Complete site survey, existing conditions analysis and evaluate design alternatives.
Work with local businesses and property owners, and specifically, with the Cowlitz Indian Tribe, to accommodate accessibility during construction and for the completed design.
Attend City Council meetings to support the design and alternatives that are proposed.
Complete drawings and technical specifications suitable for bidding the construction contract for the improvements. In addition, the Consultant will need to submit to the City and WSDOT 50%, 75% and 100% drawings and specifications for review and approval prior to the bidding documents. The drawings, contract and specifications will need to meet WSDOT standards as well as WSDOT LAG manual and meet the approval of WSDOT Local Programs.
Prepare an Environmental Assessment and assist with the NEPA and SEPA preparation.
Prepare a stormwater report and stormwater design to comply with City of La Center stormwater ordinance or Department of Ecology (DOE) current Western Washington Stormwater Manual as required.
Provide an engineer’s cost estimates for the project. Cost estimates will be required at each review stage during the design.
The city will provide review and consultation on the drawings and specifications. The selected firm or group will provide the city with electronic .dwg files of all drawings in Autocad 2023 format. The City of La Center will have all rights for future use of the electronic files.
Proposals should contain as a minimum the following items:
A brief discussion on the approach the firm will take in completing the project.
Qualifications and experience of personnel that will work on the project. The proposal should identify who will be the overall project manager within the firm.
A project schedule which shows that the design will be completed so the city can put the project out to bid in late 2026.
Identify any work that would be completed by sub-consultants. Information on the qualifications of the sub-consultants should be included in the proposal.
Each consultant is required establish its indirect cost rate in compliance with the Federal Acquisition Rating (FAR) cost principles. A consultant’s indirect cost rate can only be approved for use by either a federal agency or State WSDOT.
Submitted proposals will be evaluated with the following criteria.
Prior work experience with similar projects 25%
Technical Project Approach 25%
Qualifications of staff 25%
Experience with State or Federal Aid Projects 25%
Proposals should be limited to 16 one sided pages, which includes the cover page and all appendices. The firm who is selected as best suited to perform the work will sign a professional services agreement with the City of La Center. The selected firm must obtain a business license with the city.
The City of La Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please direct inquiries, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to, Tony Cooper, City Engineer at 360-263-2889, email The City of La Center reserves its rights under applicable law to reject any or all proposals and to waive procedural irregularities upon determining in the City’s sole opinion it is in the public’s best interest to do so. Proposals will be accepted until June 28th, 2024 at 4:00 pm. Please submit electronic and three hard copies of the proposal. Any proposals received after this date and time will not be reviewed.
Submit Proposals Clearly Labeled “La Center Road and Paradise Park Road Roundabout Improvements RFP” in a Sealed Envelope, to 210 East 4th Street, La Center Washington 98629.
Engineering Services for design of storm system rehabilitation
The City of La Center, Washington is requesting qualifications to design a rehabilitation project of an underground storm system mainline that is failing. The City anticipates contracting with the individual or firm whom in the City’s sole opinion is best qualified to perform a variety of specialized functions. Consulting services will include but may not be limited to:
- Survey existing storm system to prepare a design to replace the damaged CMP pipe.
- Evaluate design alternatives with preliminary cost estimates.
- Design Services including preparation of Plans and Specifications, based on the chosen alternate
- Assist the city with bidding questions and prepare revised plans or specifications for bidding.
Construction assistance as needed by the city to complete the project.
The design and construction cost will be funded by the city,
The RFP must detail the estimated schedule for the performance and delivery of the services.
The City of La Center reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm for any subsequent phases associated with this project.
MRSC Consultant Roster: Consultants must be on the MRSC Consultant Roster. The consultant will need to obtain a City of La Center business license prior to starting work.
Project Description
The improvements are anticipated to consist of preparing a design rehabilitate the existing public 24-inch and 30-inch culverts that are under the New Phoenix Casino parking lot.
The storm system was built approximately 30 years ago to build the casino and parking lot. The selected firm will prepare drawings and specifications and construction estimate for a project that will fit within the City’s approval and budget.
The 24-inch culvert from the inlet to approximately the center line of 5th Street was replaced after a collapse of 5th Street occurred due to a sink hole that formed from the existing soil and base flowing through a hole in the top of the CMP. Approximately 50-lineal feet of pipe was replaced from the inlet of the creek to the centerline of 5th Street. The design will need to connect to this existing replaced culvert, and continue to a new culvert terminating at an existing manhole, approximately 135 LF from the end of the culvert. A new manhole will need to be constructed at the blind wye in the parking lot that connects two storm pipes.
A schematic drawing is attached showing the approximate location and configuration of the existing culverts
The following is an estimated scope of services to complete the necessary work:
- Survey the existing storm system and prepare an Autocad design of the existing storm system
- Prepare alternatives with cost estimates of feasible methods to replace the existing damaged culverts, for the city to review.
- Prepare plans and specifications of the accepted design option.
- Assist the city with bidding the project. Answer questions from contractors during bidding, and prepare revised plans and specifications for necessary changes.
- Prepare final plans prior to construction, and assist the city with construction inspection and project management to allow for completion of the project.
Complete drawings, technical specifications suitable for construction bidding for the improvements. In addition, the Consultant will need to submit to the City 50% and 100% drawings and specifications for review and approval prior to the bidding documents. The drawings, bidding contract and specifications will need to meet City Engineering Standards and the latest WSDOT construction specifications.
The city will provide review and consultation on the drawings and specifications. The selected firm or group will provide the city with electronic .dwg files of all drawings in Autocad 2023 as well as PDF format. The City of La Center will have all rights for future use of the electronic files.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals should contain as a minimum the following items:
- A brief discussion on the approach the firm will take in completing the project.
- Qualifications and experience of personnel that will work on the project. The proposal should identify who will be the overall project manager within the firm.
- Project schedule for design work. The goal is to have design completed by December 2024 to allow the city to construct the improvements in 2025.
- Identify any work that would be completed by sub-consultants. Information on the qualifications of the sub-consultants should be included in the proposal.
Submitted proposals will be evaluated with the following criteria.
Prior work Experience with Similar Projects 33%
Technical Project Approach 33%
Qualifications of Individual(s) 34%
Proposals should be limited to 5 pages front and back (10 pages total), including the cover page and all appendices. The city will negotiate a scope of work and cost to design with the firm who is selected as best suited to perform the work. The chosen consultant will sign a professional services agreement with the City of La Center. The selected firm must obtain a city business license prior to completion of the standard agreement.
Please direct inquiries, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to, Tony Cooper, City Engineer at 360-263-2889, email The City of La Center reserves its rights under applicable law to reject any or all proposals and to waive procedural irregularities upon determining in the City’s sole opinion it is in the public’s best interest to do so. Proposals will be accepted until 4 PM on April 26th, 2024, at City Hall, 210 East 4th Street, La Center, WA. 98629. Please submit three copies of the proposal. Any proposal received after this date and time will not be reviewed.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information
The (City of La Center) in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing (Tony Cooper) at ( or by calling collect ((360 263-2889).
Title VI Statement
The (City of La Center), in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.”
The Scope of this project:
Consist of repairing a hole in an existing stormwater manhole and pipe. Replacement of existing storm pipe that is damaged. This will require excavation of the pavement and base to access the hole in the manhole, and then applying a Cementous filler or pressure grouting may be necessary to seal the hole before backfilling with aggregate base and paving.
The issuing office for Contract Documents is City of La Center Community Development, 210 East 4thStreet, La Center, WA 98629, (360) 263-7665. Plans will be available starting March 27th 2024.
Electronic copies are available through the City of La Center Plan Site on the on the City Website for download. Any addendums to the project bid will also be published on the city website. The contractor will need to check the website for any posting of addendums or bidding information.
The Engineer’s Estimate $27,000
Sealed proposals for furnishing all materials, labor and equipment for the following described work will be received by the City of La Center Community Development Office by April 10th, 2024 at 3 PM. Bids will only be allowed to be submitted at City Hall at 210 E. 4th Street in La Center. The bids will only be accepted 8AM and 3PM up to the day the bids. For any questions about submittal of the bids call Tony Cooper at 360 263-2889 or by email at The proposal shall be enclosed in envelope addressed to the City of La Center at 210 East 4th Street, City Hall, La Center, WA. 98629. Electronic Bids will not be accepted. There will not be a public bid opening. The City Hall at 210 East 4th Street in La Center);
A contract will be awarded or all bids rejected within 45 days after the bid opening.
State of Washington Prevailing Wage is applicable to this work.
SMALL WORKS ROSTER: Bidders must be on the MRSC Small Works Roster. The contractor will need to obtain a City of La Center business license prior to bid award
WSDOT Safety Project Grant
2023 Pipe & Actuator Valve Bid
Project Description
This project is to replace the existing actuator valve in the concrete vault about 1,200 feet west of the La Center Bridge at the Lewis River. The city will order the valve, and the contractor will place the valve in the existing vault. The project also consists of coring a drain line at side of the vault to allow groundwater or rainwater from flooding the vault. A new vault lid, with a spring assist hatch, will need to be installed by the contractor.
The Engineer’s Estimate is $26,000.
Sealed proposals for furnishing all materials, labor and equipment for the following described work will be received by the City of La Center Community Development Office by September 20th 2023 at 3 PM. Bids may be emailed or delivered City Hall at 210 E. 4th Street in La Center. The bids will only be accepted 8AM and 3PM up to the day the bids. For any questions about submittal of the bids call Tony Cooper at 360 263-2889 or by email at The proposal shall be enclosed in envelope addressed to the City of La Center at 210 East 4th Street, City Hall, La Center, WA. 98629. Electronic Bids will be accepted. No public bid opening will occur. The bids will be delivered to City Hall at 210 East 4th Street in La Center.
Bidders must be on the MRSC Small Works Roster. The contractor will need to obtain a City of La Center business license prior to bid award.
The bidder will be responsible to check this website for any addendums or any additional information for this project.
RFQ Closed
Meet our Team
Public Works & Community Development Director, BSCE, MBA, Tracy Coleman
Assistant Public Works Director, City Engineer, P.E., Tony Cooper
City Council
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.5123 | Fax 360.263.5700
City Hall | Administrative Services
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2782 | Fax 360.263.5700
Police Department
105 West 5th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2745 | Fax 360.263.2757
Public Works Department
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.7665 | Fax 360.263.7666
Public Works After Hours/Emergency Calls | 360.524.3450