Planning Commission

Meeting monthly to revise and advise the City’s Municipal Code to better serve growing community.
The La Center Planning Commission consists of five, non-paid, citizen volunteers from the City of La Center. Its goal is to serve the present and future needs of The City of La Center by being a positive link between our community and city government and to address issues and regulations affecting the health, safety and well being of all residents, both residential and commercial.
The Planning Commission’s role includes analyzing and organizing information and data relating to land use and forwarding its recommendations to the La Center City Council, which makes the final decisions. This involves matters dealing with zoning, transportation, public safety and the overall health and vitality of the city itself. The Planning Commission reviews existing policies, requests and recommendations from La Center citizens, and inquiries from owners and developers of potentially annexable properties. The Planning Commission must help guide decisions that impact the City’s budget.
The City of La Center Planning Commission meetings are held, in general, the second Tuesday of each month and are open to the public. We encourage all its citizens to attend to provide their recommendations and comments about the future of La Center.
Commission Members
Chair | Daina McLean
Term: June 2024 through June 2029
Vice Chair | Jeremy Smith
Term: January 2021 through January 2026
Secretary | Dennis Hill
Term: January 2022 through January 2027
Planning Commissioner| Stephanie Clark
Term: June 2024 through June 2029
Planning Commissioner | Paul Jones
Term: May 2022 through May 2027
Current Projects
Comprehensive Plan Update
- The Comprehensive Plan update has its own website. Check it out!
Past Projects
MDR 16 Density Transfer Code Update
- Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission
- Code Revisions
- SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance
- Environmental Checklist
LDR 7.5 Front Setback Code Update
- Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission
- Code Revisions
- SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance
- Environmental Checklist
Critical Areas Ordinance FEMA Code Update
- Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission
- Code Revisions
- SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance
- Environmental Checklist
Comprehensive Plan Annual Amendment
- Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission
- Code Revisions
- Map Revisions
- SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance
- Environmental Checklist
Family Day Cares Code Update
- Notice of Adoption
- Notice of Public Hearing – City Council
- Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission
- Code Revisions
- SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance
- Environmental Checklist
Manufactured Homes Code Update
- Notice of Adoption
- Notice of Public Hearing – City Council
- Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission
- Code Revisions
- SEPA Determination of Non-Significance
- Environmental Checklist
City of La Center Home Occupation Code Update
The City of La Center is updating its home occupation code contained in LCMC 18.270.010. The purpose of this code update is to: Eliminate the requirement for home occupations within areas subject to home owner’s associations to go through a Type II review process and public notice. Exempt uses that have no impacts including noise, fumes, light, and traffic or physical changes to the property, meetings at the property, and no employees. Establish a traffic impact limitations of 1 p.m. peak hour trip. Eliminate the listed home occupations.
- Home Occupation Code Update City Council Public Hearing Notice
- Home Occupation Code Update Code Revisions
City of La Center Temporary Use Code Update
The City of La Center is updating its code pertaining to Temporary Use Permits contained in LCMC 18.265. The purpose of the code update is to provide more flexibility on temporary use permit extensions and expiration as well as specifying exempt uses that do not require a temporary use permit. The following list specifies the proposed updates to the Temporary Use Permit code contained in LCMC 18.265.
- Temporary Use Code Update City Council Public Hearing Notice
- Temporary Use Code Update Code Revisions
City of La Center Parking Code Update
The City of La Center is updating its code provisions pertaining to parking. The code update will primarily affect LCMC 18.280 (Off-street Parking and Loading), but provisions in other code chapters including LCMC 18.40 (Definitions), LCMC 18.140 (Medium Density Residential District), LCMC 18.158 (La Center Junction PlanZoning District), 18.165 (Mixed-Use), and 18.245 (Supplementary Development Standards).
City of La Center SEPA Code Update
The City of La Center is updating portions of its municipal code to ensure consistency between WAC and other LCMC sections for SEPA Exemptions and Flexible Thresholds. The code updates will update two sections to 1) increase the flexible threshold for fill or excavation to 1,000 cubic yards and 2) update language on optional exemptions that do not apply in critical areas in WAC 197-11-908.
City of La Center Chapter 18.40 Building Height Code Update
The City of La Center is updating the definition of “Building Height” in the code to match what is contained in the International Building Code. The new definition will measure building height to the highest roof surface from “grade plane” on the site which is an average of finished ground elevation adjoining the building at the exterior walls. For sloped sites, grade plane will be established using the lowest elevation between the building and the property lines or a point six feet from the building where the lot line is further than six feet away.
City of La Center Chapter 18.60 Development Agreement Code Updates
The City of La Center is updating its code pertaining to Development Agreements contained in LCMC 18.60. The purpose of the code update is to provide more specificity regarding what provisions of the City’s development code can be modified under a development agreement by.
Community Survey Results
Recently the Planning Commission has been asking for feedback on how the City should plan for our City’s future. The survey’s have been flooding in and we appreciate your feedback. Here is a link to the results from our latest three surveys regarding housing, economic development and our parks and trails.
Please contact us!
Stay Connected
The City has is utilizing a CivicWeb Portal for Planning Commission and City Council meetings. Packet materials are now available online through CivicWeb.
City Council
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.5123 | Fax 360.263.5700
City Hall | Administrative Services
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2782 | Fax 360.263.5700
Police Department
105 West 5th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2745 | Fax 360.263.2757
Public Works Department
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.7665 | Fax 360.263.7666
Public Works After Hours/Emergency Calls | 360.524.3450