Timmen Landing and Downtown Subarea Plans

Purpose and Overview

The City is developing subarea plans for Downtown La Center and Timmen Landing. Plans for the subareas will include conceptual land uses, proposed transportation improvements, and other policies to guide development and support future growth. Each subarea plan will answer the question: what will this area be like in the future and what is the path to get there?

  • The City of La Center is looking for a new vision to promote economic and community growth to complement existing businesses.
  • We are actively seeking community input to guide the planning process and ensure that the subarea plans will be tailored to meet local needs.

Upcoming Events:

  • Talk to project staff at the City of La Center Table at upcoming events:
    • Concert in the Park – July 20
    • Our Days Festival – July 27
    • Farmer’s Market – August 16

Have a question or comment about the Timmen Landing and Downtown Subarea Plan? Submit them below!


What is a subarea plan?

  • A subarea plan is an optional element of the overall Comprehensive Plan for a specific area.
  • Subarea plans focus on goals and policies for land use, transportation, and the environment for the specific geographic area. The subarea plans will be used to guide community character, redevelopment, and new investments in Timmen Landing and Downtown La Center.

How can I get Involved?

  • Community outreach and engagement are essential to any planning process. We need input from the community to establish a community vision and develop a plan that meets community needs for the future. There will be opportunities to be involved in every stage of the planning process.
    • Attend Planning Commission and Council meetings where the Subarea plans are being discussed.
    • Attend community workshops or other events in the City where staff will be tabling and provide input on the Subarea Plans. See “Upcoming Events” below.

Timeline and process

The City is working with a Community Advisory Committee of planning-related professionals, community leaders and other at-large community members, and agency staff to provide local expertise and knowledge about existing conditions, community visions principles, and subarea plan concepts. The City will also conduct focus groups to obtain guidance from affected community members, organizations, and property owners concerned with economic development.

Additionally, the City will host a series of community workshops to actively engage with the public, present plan concepts, and hear community feedback.

Timmen Landing and Downtown Subarea Plans Updates

 Subarea Opportunities and Constraints based on community vision input.

  • The City is developing subarea plans for Downtown La Center and Timmen Landing. Plans for the subareas will build on area opportunities and constraints and will include conceptual land uses, proposed transportation improvements, and other policies to guide development and support future growth. Each subarea plan will answer the question: what will this area be like in the future and what is the path to get there?
  • The City of La Center is developing a community vision to guide new and existing businesses and housing growth.
  • We are actively seeking community input to guide the planning process and ensure that the subarea plans will be tailored to meet local needs.

Subarea Boundaries


June 2024 Update

The City held a public open house in March 2024 to present key findings from the existing conditions in the subareas and to hear community feedback about the draft vision statements for the future of Downtown and Timmen Landing. Following the open house, the City published an online survey that received 115 unique responses. To learn more, please see the online survey summary.

The City is now developing these two subarea plan concepts to project land uses, transportation, utilities, and public facilities for Downtown and Timmen Landing consistent with the draft community vision. The City will continue to seek input on the concept plans from the public, the Community Advisory Committee, City Council, and Planning Commission.

Timeline and process

The City is working with a Community Advisory Committee consisting of planning-related professionals, community leaders, businesses, property owners, other at-large community members, and agency staff to provide local expertise and knowledge about existing conditions, community vision principles, and subarea plan concepts. In June, the City will conduct focus groups to obtain guidance from affected community members, organizations, developers, and property owners concerned with economic development. Additionally, the City will host two more community workshops to actively engage with the public, present plan concepts, and hear community feedback.

Upcoming Events:

  • Community Advisory Committee Meeting #3 – June 2024
  • Talk to project staff at the City of La Center Table at upcoming events:
    • Concert in the Park – July 6
    • Concert in the Park – July 20
    • Our Days Festival – July 27
    • Farmer’s Market – August 16
  • Community Open House – Late Summer 2024


What is a subarea plan?

  • A subarea plan is an optional element of the overall Comprehensive Plan for a specific area. The City is also undergoing a periodic update of its Comprehensive Plan as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act.
  • Subarea plans focus on goals and policies for land use, transportation, and the environment for the specific geographic area. The subarea plans will be used to guide community character, redevelopment, and new investments in Timmen Landing and Downtown La Center.

How can I get Involved?

  • Community outreach and engagement are essential to any planning process. We need input from the community to establish a collective vision and develop a plan that meets community needs for the future. There will be opportunities to be involved in every stage of the planning process. You can participate by:
    • Attending the City of La Center Table at an upcoming event
    • Attending Planning Commission and Council meetings where the Subarea plans are being discussed.
    • Viewing “Upcoming Events” above for information about future community workshops and other events in the community to provide input on the Subarea Plans
  • We will also be organizing a series of focus groups to engage in in-depth conversations about economic development, private property needs, and public services.

Questions or comments?

Please contact the City’s Associate Planner, Angie Merrill, via email: amerrill@ci.lacenter.wa.us or phone: (360) 263-3654.

 Conceptual rendering that will evolve over the next year based on community input.

  • The City is developing subarea plans for Downtown La Center and Timmen Landing. Plans for the subareas will include conceptual land uses, proposed transportation improvements, and other policies to guide development and support future growth. Each subarea plan will answer the question: what will this area be like in the future and what is the path to get there?
  • The City of La Center is looking for a new vision to promote economic and community growth to complement existing businesses.
  • We are actively seeking community input to guide the planning process and ensure that the subarea plans will be tailored to meet local needs.

Preliminary Subarea Boundaries


What is a subarea plan?

  • A subarea plan is an optional element of the overall Comprehensive Plan for a specific area.
  • Subarea plans focus on goals and policies for land use, transportation, and the environment for the specific geographic area. The subarea plans will be used to guide community character, redevelopment, and new investments in Timmen Landing and Downtown La Center.

How can I get Involved?

  • Community outreach and engagement are essential to any planning process. We need input from the community to establish a community vision and develop a plan that meets community needs for the future. There will be opportunities to be involved in every stage of the planning process.
    • Attend Planning Commission and Council meetings where the Subarea plans are being discussed.
    • Attend community workshops or other events in the City where staff will be tabling and provide input on the Subarea Plans. See “Upcoming Events” below.

Timeline and process

The City is working with a Community Advisory Committee of planning-related professionals, community leaders and other at-large community members, and agency staff to provide local expertise and knowledge about existing conditions, community visions principles, and subarea plan concepts. The City will also conduct focus groups to obtain guidance from affected community members, organizations, and property owners concerned with economic development.

Additionally, the City will host a series of community workshops to actively engage with the public, present plan concepts, and hear community feedback.



For questions or more information about the Timmen Landing and Downtown Subarea Plans please contact Tracy Coleman, Public Works & Community Development Director at tcoleman@ci.lacenter.wa.us or (360) 263-5189.