Comprehensive Plan


Comprehensive Plan Update

  • The City is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan.
  • The Comprehensive Plan is the City’s document that guides land use and growth for the next 20 years.
  • The City is required to update its plan by December 2025.
  • The Comprehensive Plan will be updated to meet state requirements AND meet the community’s needs.
  • La Center needs your help and input to update the Comprehensive Plan.


  • A comprehensive plan is a guiding document that contains a community’s vision and goals for how future land use and development will occur. This includes a historical and demographic background of the City and explains the plan’s purpose and community’s vision.
  • A comprehensive plan contains “elements” or chapters for land use, transportation, housing, parks and recreation, and other key topics.
  • The City will undertake a review and audit of the current Comprehensive Plan and development regulations to determine what updates need to be made.
  • Each element of the Comprehensive Plan will be reviewed and updated to ensure consistency with other elements of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and with Clark County plans and policies.
  • The City anticipates that key components of the plan that will be updated will include population growth projections; updates to the land use map; planning for a variety of housing types; and planning for parks and recreational needs of the community.
  • Comprehensive Plan updates will determine where and what kind of development will occur in the City.
  • Amendments to the various comprehensive plan elements will shape the City’s future, for example:
    • Updates to the Housing element will promote housing that is affordable to a range of incomes.
    • Updates to the Parks and Recreation element will identify needed recreational improvements.
  • Attend Planning Commission and Council meetings where the Comprehensive Plan is being discussed. Sign up for emails when new agendas are posted for meetings.
  • Planning Commission and City Council Workshops:
  • Focus: Draft Land Use and Housing Elements and associated code updates.
  • Planning Commission 2nd Draft – June 2024
  • City Council 1st Draft – July 2024
  • Planning Commission and City Council Hearings:
    • Focus: Adoption of updated Comprehensive Plan
    • Fall 2025
  • Attend events in the City where staff will be tabling and provide input on the Comprehensive Plan.
    • Tabling at Concerts in the Park (Sternwheeler Park)
      • July 6 & 20, 2024, from 6 PM – 8 PM
    • Tabling at La Center Our Days (Holley Park)
      • July 27, 2024, from 10 AM – 4 PM
    • Tabling at La Center Farmer’s Market (La Center Church)
      • August 16, 2024, from 4 PM – 7 PM
    • Open House 
      • Fall/Winter 2024 (date TBD)


  • The Clark County Council has recently selected countywide population projections through 2045. The meeting materials (and other 2025 comprehensive plan update information) can be found here.
  • The selected population projected is expected to be later allocated by the County Council to all County jurisdictions, including La Center, in Fall 2023.
  • La Center’s selected population allocation will determine how much population, housing, and employment the City will need to accommodate through 2045 and impacts on the existing Urban Growth Area (UGA).

Critical Areas

Critical areas include critical aquifer recharge areas (CARAs), fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas (FWHCAs), frequently flooded areas, geologically hazardous areas (erosion, landslide, and seismic hazards), and wetlands. The last review of the CAO with the critical areas checklist was conducted in 2019. As part of the City’s periodic review due in 2025, the City is obligated to bring its CAO up to date with State guidance and BAS issued since 2019.

Manufactured Homes

Update is for compliance with the GMA and consistency with the following State codes: RCW 35A.21.312 and RCW 35.63.160.

Designated manufactured homes are to be permitted where all other single-family site built homes are permitted.

Updates to manufactured home definitions, installation, and siting requirements. Updates also include manufactured home subdivision/communities, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, modular homes, and park models to be consistent with the State.

Family Day Cares

Update is for compliance with the GMA and consistency with the following State codes: RCW 36.70A.450, RCW 43.216,010(1)(c), and WAC 365-196-865.

Family day care providers are be allowed in residential dwellings in all residential and commercial zones

Updates include definition revisions and applying zoning conditions for family day cares which include compliance to building, fire, safety, health code, and business license requirements; conformance to lot and building dimensions of underlying zone; provide a passenger loading area; providing signage in conformance to applicable regulations; noticing requirements; and limiting hours of operations.


Public open house meetings will be noticed in advance on the City’s website, on the City’s social media platforms, in The Columbian, sent out via email to those subscribed for City updates, as mailers to all La Center business owners, and posted on the City’s reader board sign along East 4th Street.

  • Planning Commission and City Council Joint Workshop 1:
  • Planning Commission and City Council Joint Workshop 2:
    • Focus: Background Information
    • Fall 2023 – Date TBD
  • Open House 1:
    • Focus: Existing Comprehensive Plan, Background Information, and Work Plan
    • Spring 2024 – Date TBD
  • Planning Commission and City Council Joint Workshop 3:
    • Focus: Draft Land Use and Housing Elements
    • Winter 2024 – Date TBD
  • Planning Commission and City Council Joint Workshop 4:
    • Focus: Capital Facilities, Utilities, Parks and Recreation, and Transportation
    • Summer 2024 – Date TBD
  • Planning Commission and City Council Joint Workshop 5:
    • Focus: Economic Development, Historic Archaeological and Cultural Preservation, Urban Growth and Annexation, Environment, and Government
    • Fall 2024 – Date TBD
  • Open House 2:
    • Focus: Draft Comprehensive Plan
    • Fall 2024 – Date TBD
  • City Council Hearing:
    • Focus: Adoption of updated Comprehensive Plan
    • Summer 2025 – Date TBD


  • Concerts in the Park
    • Summer 2024 – Dates Attended TBD
    • Sternwheeler Park
  • La Center Our Days
    • Summer 2024 – Date Attended TBD
    • Community Center & Holley Park
  • Farmer’s Market
    • Summer 2024 – Dates Attended TBD
    • La Center Church
  • Christmas Tree Lighting
    • Sunday, December 3 @ 4:30 pm
    • Downtown La Center – 4th Street

Land Use & Housing Elements and Code Updates

The City is updating the Land Use and Housing Elements to meet state requirements and community input. Key topics include:

  • Updates to impact fees for payment deferrals and fee calculations
  • Design standards that clearly specify what an applicant must do to receive approval.
  • Unit lot subdivision standards
  • Allowing supportive housing that will provide services to populations who need extra support (homeless, addiction counseling, housing for the disabled).

See the first and second drafts of the Land Use and Housing Comprehensive Plan elements and code updates below:

  • Second draft land use & housing elements
  • Second draft LCMC Chapter 3.35 (Impact Fees)
  • Second draft LCMC Title 18
  • Second draft Planning Commission Comments

Meet our Team

Tracy Coleman, BSCE, MBA, Community Development/Public Works Director
Angie Merrill, Associate Planner
Ethan Spoo, AICP, Consulting Planner
Alec Egurrola, Consulting Planner