Comprehensive Plan 2016

Public Works City Planning Services 2016 Comprehensive Plan

2016 Capital Facilities Plan Amendments

Parks Master Plan

2016 Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Clark County Options and Impacts

Please visit Clark County’s Comprehensive Plan webpage for more information on each of the proposed alternatives, as well as maps.

Clark County Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (August 2015)

Alternative 1: No action. The county adopts the map as it is with no new changes.

Alternative 2: Rural and Urban Changes. The new planning assumptions, policy direction, changes in land use/zoning, and principles and values defined by the commissioners were used in this alternative. This option supports job and population growth, acknowledges development trends, updates zoning and makes changes to some comprehensive plan designations.

Alternative 3: Battle Ground, La Center, Ridgefield, and Washougal. The cities of Battle Ground, La Center, Ridgefield and Washougal are considering expanding their urban growth areas to support job and residential growth.

Alternative 4: Rural and Resource lands changes.