La Center Comprehensive Plan Update & Subareas – Open House Summary

Open House Summary

Key Details

Subject/s:                    La Center Comprehensive Plan Update and Subarea Plans for Downtown and Timmen Landing

Date:                           March 20, 2024, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Location:                    La Center City Hall; 210 E 4th Street, La Center, WA

Attendees:                  Approximately 40 plus several City staff and elected officials


Comprehensive Plan Update Key Themes

  • Some people were supportive of new growth, especially considering the potential for economic development and future job growth;
  • Others were overtly opposed to development and said the City needs to stop growth and limit higher density development;
  • Growth should be maintained within the existing Urban Growth Area
    • Residential growth should occur with expansion at the I-5
  • A few people preferred land use Scenario B that proposes a UGA expansion to accommodate growth.
  • Improvements for recreational facilities are
  • Improved signage for boat launches are needed, as well as improved water trail and hiking trail maps.
  • Trails should be more well-connected and A few people felt that all City trails should be paved.
  • Concerns about existing traffic, especially about traffic across the East Fork Lewis River bridge, the gateway into downtown La Center.
  • Concerns about community safety and a need for improved police response

Subarea Plans Key Themes

Timmen Landing

  • Concern about the impacts of development in Timmen
  • Environmental concerns in anticipation of impacts to the river from future development in Timmen Landing.
  • The City should preserve existing natural
  • Housing development is important, and the City should be mindful in planning for growth in the area.
    • Balancing housing and commercial development in Timmen Landing is a priority for the community.
  • There should be more river access at Timmen Landing and Pollock
    • Additional river-front development to bring activity to the

Downtown Subarea

  • The Downtown Subarea Plan should prioritize refreshing and updating the façades of downtown buildings while still maintaining the small-town feel.
    • Maintaining a consistent character throughout downtown is a community
    • An overall design theme for downtown should emphasize the importance of La Center’s history (e.g., sternwheeler steamboats).
  • Improving traffic flow and access to downtown is a priority for the
  • Expand parking in
  • Conflicting opinions about the future of Breeze Creek Trail: some people support paving the trail; others do not think the trail should not be paved.
    • Community members agreed that additional work is needed to connect the trail system through downtown.
  • Appropriate-scaled development is a priority for the Downtown
  • Downtown needs a grocery store in La Center and a local hardware
  • More dining and food options in
  • The City should consider bus traffic at the high school because buses are often not able to turn out of the school at peak travel times.
  • Develop an auditorium or indoor event
  • More youth-oriented

Next Steps

  • An online survey for the Subarea Plans is available on the City’s website to solicit input; feedback heard at the open house and through the online survey will be used to inform the Comprehensive Plan and Subarea Plans.


Figure 1. Community members discussing the vision for the Downtown and Timmen Landing Subareas
Figure 2. Community input on subarea vision statements
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Local Veteran’s Day Events

The La Center School District is hosting a Veteran’s Day assembly on Friday, November 8. The schedule is as follows: La Center Middle School: 9:00