There are several different ways to pay your utility bill.
- Stop by City Hall at 210 E 4th Street and pay by check, cash, or card (2.5% fee charged at time of payment)
- Mail in a check to 210 E 4th Street with your account number included.
- Pay by card over the phone (2.5% fee charged at time of payment)
- Pay online with card (2.5% fee charged at time of payment)
- Sign up for direct pay and have your payment automatically withdrawn from your bank account each month. IT’S FREE!
Direct pay is an automatic monthly payment of your sewer and stormwater bill that comes directly out of your bank account each month so you can set it and forget it. Sign up here for free!
You rent the park or community center by filling out a rental application form and checking with the City to see if the date and times you would like to rent are available. Call us at 360-263-8950 or stop by City Hall located at 210 E 4th Street. Please submit your rental request 30 days in advance.
For temporary signs four square feet and smaller, stop by City Hall to request temporary sign labels before putting your signs out on public right-of-way.
Call City Hall or send an email to clerk@ci.lacenter.wa.us with your complaint. Depending on the complaint it could be a code violation, which the City will look into through code enforcement, or a private matter that will have to be handled neighbor to neighbor.
Call City Hall at 360-263-2782, email askpw@ci.lacenter.wa.us, or visit the Action Request Center to submit an action request with the Public Works Department.
Call City Hall or send an email to clerk@ci.lacenter.wa.us with your complaint. Depending on the complaint, it could be a code violation in which the City will investigate through code enforcement or a private matter.
Fill out the Community Sign Application and drop it off at City Hall 210 E 4th Street or email it to arichter@ci.lacenter.wa.us
City Hall is located at 210 E 4th Street
Yes, we have three notaries on staff. No, we do not require an appointment. The fee for notary is $5.00.
Yes, if you are running a business and you live in La Center or live outside of City limits and are doing business within City limits then you are required to obtain a business license through the Department of Revenue (DOR) website.
Call Clark County Animal Control (360) 397-2488 to report a loose dog.
To apply for a dog license come by City Hall 210 E 4th Street or mail a check with proof of rabies vaccination and/or spaying/neutering to 210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629.
All dogs must obtain an annual dog license.
- The fee for a dog that has been spayed/neutered is $16.00.
- The fee for a dog that has not been spayed/neutered is $40.00.
- The fee for senior citizens is $8.
- A veterinarian’s proof of rabies vaccination must accompany your application.
- Must give proof of spay/neuter to receive lowered rate.
The Splash Pad opens in the summer after the last day of school in the La Center school district. It is open from 11 am to 8 pm daily.
The Splash Pad closes on the last day of summer before school starts in the La Center school district. The Splash Pad is located at Holley Park.
Stormwater as defined by the La Center Municipal Code is “Stormwater facility” means the natural or constructed components of a stormwater drainage system, designed and constructed to perform a particular function, or multiple functions. Stormwater facilities include, but are not limited to: pipes, swales, ditches, open channels, culverts, storage basins, infiltration devices, catch basins, manholes, dry wells, oil/water separators, and sediment basins.
For more information on stormwater, please see the municipal code.
For information on how sewer charges work, check out the La Center Municipal Code on Sewer utility. There is a flat monthly rate for sewer set at $66.00.
If your shed, deck, pole building, accessory structure, etc. is 120 square feet or larger a building permit is required. Visit the Community Development page for more information.
Visit Clark County GIS for information on your lot by searching your address or parcel/tax id number. At the top of the page in the orange bar select ‘Find Parcel’.
Then on the left-hand side of the page either enter your Street Address or Tax Account number and click ‘Find’. Then select from the options below or it will automatically go to your property.
Once you see your Property Location Address you can select the ‘Property Information Center’ link above.
Once you are on the ‘Property Information Center’ page, which will open a new tab on your web browser, look for ‘Zoning Designation’ and that will indicate which zone your property is located in.
Below that is the ‘Zoning Overlay’ which does exist in all zones. On the same row is the ‘Jurisdiction’ line, and although you may have a La Center address, you may be in the County. If the jurisdiction says ‘Clark County’ then you are outside of City limits.
Once you find out what zone you are located in using Clark County GIS, then you can visit the La Center Municipal Code website and see what is allowed in your zone. Under LCMC Title 18 DEVELOPMENT CODE find your zone name and click on the section of code.
It will take you to the zones code page and will list information on what is allowable in that zone, standards, requirements, and more. For further questions please call City Hall at 360-263-2782.
City Council
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.5123 | Fax 360.263.5700
City Hall | Administrative Services
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2782 | Fax 360.263.5700
Police Department
105 West 5th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.2745 | Fax 360.263.2757
Public Works Department
210 East 4th Street La Center, WA 98629
360.263.7665 | Fax 360.263.7666
Public Works After Hours/Emergency Calls | 360.524.3450
Civic Web Portal
Connect with the city for information and events, City Council meetings, voting, audio archives and more.
Subscribe to Meeting Updates
Stay informed about community meetings and updates from the City.
Community Events Calendar
View the community events calendar and get involved.
Clark Cowlitz Fire & Rescue
Emergency and Fire Protection (dial 911 for emergencies)
La Center School District
La Center School District #101 serves Kindergarten through grade 12.
Property Tax
Clark County can assist you with property tax information.
United States Postal Office
Located at 421 NE John Storm Ave